How To Play 20 Questions In Game Pigeon

The 21 Questions Game is basically a way of getting to know someone better. At its core the game is just asking and answering questions.

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So if you want to simply ask and answer the questions below, that works. But if you would like to gamify the questions, below are some different ways to play the 21 Questions Game.

How to play the 21 questions game

First of all you need two or more people. There isn’t really a limit on how many people can play the 21 Questions Game but I wouldn’t recommend any more than five people. It gets a little boring for those not answering or asking questions if there are more than five people.

The classic

Someone volunteers or a person is randomly chosen to be the first person to answer the 21 questions.

The rest of the group takes turns asking that person a total of 21 questions. Your group can choose whether follow questions to their answers count towards the 21 questions total.

OPTIONAL: The person can pass on two questions.

To choose the next person to answer the 21 questions there are several options. The person who just finished answering the questions can nominate the next person, a person can volunteer, or a random person can be chosen.

If it’s just two people, person A will ask 21 questions and person B will answer. After person A asks 21 questions, the roles are reversed and person B asks 21 questions.


Person A chooses a question to start the round. Person A asks person B the question. Person B answers. OPTIONAL: Everyone in the group can ask follow up questions to person B about their original answer.

Person B then chooses a question and asks someone else besides person A their new question. The round continues with everyone asking someone new a question until everyone including person A has answered a question.

No one can be asked twice until everyone has answered a question in that round. To start a new round the last person who answered a question chooses a new question to ask someone.

OPTIONAL: Everyone gets two passes. If a person uses one of their passes, they don’t have to answer the question.

Obviously, if it’s just two people, they will just be asking each other questions back and forth.

Round and round

Sit in a circle (or face to face if it’s just two people). Person A chooses a question, the person to the right of person A answers the question, then the next person in line answers, and so on until it gets back to Person A. When it gets back to person A, they answer. OPTIONAL: Give time for follow questions to people’s answers.

After person A finishes their answer, the person next to them asks a question and it goes around the circle again.

OPTIONAL: Everyone has two passes that they can use if they don’t want to answer a question.

If it’s just two people, they will take turns choosing questions that both of them will answer.

Some things to remember

Don’t worry if the game breaks down into a conversation. That is the whole point of the 21 Questions Game is to facilitate conversation and find out new things about a person. So if a lively conversation gets going, don’t worry about getting back to the game. You can always start up again after the conversation dies down.

21 Questions list

Here is our list of questions for the 21 Questions game. I hope you enjoy them!

1. What is the TLDR version of your life?

This question will help you understand what they think is important. If their answer gets included in the highlight reel of their life so far, it must be pretty important to how they see themselves and their place in the world.

2. What should they teach in school, but don’t?

They might answer a couple of different ways on this one. Is it a subject they feel is often neglected? Is it a set of controversial beliefs or facts that they feel get left out? Perhaps it’s the more practical skills that get over looked? You’ll learn a little more about how they view the world after this question.

3. What inscription do you want on your gravestone?

While some of the other questions focus on what has happened in the past, this question let’s you know how they want their future to play out. When they look back on their life, what do they want to have accomplished.

4. What is a cause that is worth dedicating your life to?

What are they passionate about? What do they think is most important? This question will help you figure out the answer to these questions and more.

5. What should parents stop teaching their children?

Depending on where the person is in their life, you might find out what they didn’t like about their parents or perhaps you’ll get a glimpse into the type of parent they would like to be.

6. Is it okay to sacrifice one life to save ten?

This is straight up an ethics question. You can see how close you both are in your ethical beliefs.

Follow up question:If you said yes, would you change answer if the one life was a friend’s life and the ten were strangers? If no, why not?

The bit about a friend’s life is for getting an idea of how much they value their tribe vs. those outside of it.

7. How much do you change when you know no one is around?

We all put on masks for different social situations. Sometimes those masks resemble who we are underneath and sometimes they don’t. Hopefully this question will help you get a glimpse of who the person truly is.

8. How useful would you be in a zombie apocalypse?

I just thought this was a fun question. You could get any number of answers that might help you understand more about what kind of person they are. But mostly it’s just because it’s a fun question to answer.

9. How much do you know about the world outside your country?

This is a great one to see how much they pay attention to the broader world, but it can also be a good gauge of how nationalistic they are. It can also tell you where they think their focus should be, themselves, family, their community, their country, or humanity as a whole.

10. Which movie or book do you think is ridiculously overrated?

Not everyone rides the hype train. Find out more about what they like and if their interests coincide with your own.

11. Who would you most like to sit next to on a 10 hour flight and why?

Fun Question Games To Play

I like this one because it’s broad enough for them to pick a type of person (quiet or talkative) or a specific person (famous or influential individual). And either one they choose can tell you a lot about what they are interested in or what they value.

12. What are two things you know you should how to do but don’t?

This is a fun question because you can commiserate if it’s something you don’t know how to do, joke if it’s something silly, or learn more about them if it’s something serious.

13. What is something you’ve done that you wish you could undo?

We all have regrets. With this question you can learn more about what they regret, but also what kind of values they consider important. Because, let’s be honest, you probably wouldn’t undo something you didn’t think was important.

14. What do most people think about you that is absolutely not true?

Another one that attempts to get a look at the who the person really is. It’s up to the person whether that their answer is about stereotypes, their public face, or gossip that has been spread about them.

15. What is something that can’t be taught and can only be learned with age?

This will hopefully lead to some thoughtful introspection. How much have they learned from their life so far and how much do they acknowledge the things they still don’t know.

16. Do you think the convenience of technology is worth the loss of privacy that comes with it?

Technology plays a big part in this world of ours and it helps to think about the role it plays. Hopefully they will give you more than just a yes or a no for this question, but even if it is a one word answer you’ll know how much they value their privacy.

17. What are the consequences of everyone having instant distraction at their fingertips?

How addicted to their phones are they? You can find that out. Plus you can find out if they think about how society functions or if they are mostly just focused on themselves.

18. What makes you say “What was I thinking?” when you look back on your life?

This question is great for bringing out some funny and embarrassing stories. Sharing a laugh over something embarrassing can be a great way to get closer to someone. You might also be able to gauge how serious they take themselves.

19. If you could live your life again knowing what you do now, what would you change?

Similar to the earlier question undoing something in the past, but this one is aimed more at what they have learned from their mistakes. And how they would take advantage of all the knowledge they’ve gained.


20. You have $100 to burn, all your friends are busy and you have the whole day to yourself, what do you do?

This question is more about getting at what they really enjoy doing. You’ll be able to see what their idea of a perfect day is and how much you both have in common when it comes to entertainment.

21. If you could be born again and choose what nationality, gender, and race to be, what would you choose?

Gender, race, and nationality are huge factors in society and individual lives. With this question, hopefully you’ll be able to learn a little bit more about how they view these very important topics.

How To Play 20 Questions In Game Pigeon Forge

21 Questions PDF

Here is the link to the 21 Questions PDF, it has all the questions and all the rules. Enjoy!

21 Questions image

Pages with more questions you can use

Here are some other questions you can use for the 21 questions game. All have at least 21 questions and some have more than 21 questions which means you can pick and choose. Most of these can be used for guys or girls despite how they are labeled so you have more than enough questions to choose from.

B.F Skinner, a leading 20th century psychologist who hypothesized that behavior was caused only by external factors, not by thoughts or emotions, was a controversial figure in a field that tends to attract controversial figures. In a realm of science that has given us Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Jean Piaget, Skinner stands out by sheer quirkiness. After all, he is the scientist who trained rats to pull levers and push buttons and taught pigeons to read and play ping-pong.

Besides Freud, Skinner is arguably the most famous psychologist of the 20th century. Today, his work is basic study in introductory psychology classes across the country. But what drives a man to teach his children’s cats to play piano and instruct his beagle on how to play hide and seek? Last year, Norwegian researchers dove into his past to figure it out. The team combed through biographies, archival material and interviews with those who knew him, then tested Skinner on a common personality scale.

They found Skinner, who would be 109 years old today, was highly conscientious, extroverted and somewhat neurotic—a trait shared by as many as 45 percent of leading scientists. The analysis revealed him to be a tireless worker, one who introduced a new approach to behavioral science by building on the theories of Ivan Pavlov and John Watson.

Skinner wasn’t interested in understanding the human mind and its mental processes—his field of study, known as behaviorism, was primarily concerned with observable actions and how they arose from environmental factors. He believed that our actions are shaped by our experience of reward and punishment, an approach that he called operant conditioning. The term “operant” refers to an animal or person “operating” on their environment to affect change while learning a new behavior.

Operant conditioning breaks down a task into increments. If you want to teach a pigeon to turn in a circle to the left, you give it a reward for any small movement it makes in that direction. Soon, the pigeon catches onto this and makes larger movements to the left, which garner more rewards, until the bird completes the full circle. Skinner believed that this type of learning even relates to language and the way we learn to speak. Children are rewarded, through their parents’ verbal encouragement and affection, for making a sound that resembles a certain word until they can actually say that word.

Skinner’s approach introduced a new term into the literature: reinforcement. Behavior that is reinforced, like a mother excitedly drawing out the sounds of “mama” as a baby coos, tends to be repeated, and behavior that’s not reinforced tends to weaken and die out. “Positive” refers to the practice of encouraging a behavior by adding to it, such as rewarding a dog with a treat, and “negative” refers to encouraging a behavior by taking something away. For example, when a driver absentmindedly continues to sit in front of a green light, the driver waiting behind them honks his car horn. The first person is reinforced for moving when the honking stops. The phenomenon of reinforcement extends beyond babies and pigeons: we’re rewarded for going to work each day with a paycheck every two weeks, and likely wouldn’t step inside the office once they were taken away.

Today, the spotlight has shifted from such behavior analysis to cognitive theories, but some of Skinner’s contributions continue to hold water, from teaching dogs to roll over to convincing kids to clean their rooms. Here are a few:

1. The Skinner box. To show how reinforcement works in a controlled environment, Skinner placed a hungry rat into a box that contained a lever. As the rat scurried around inside the box, it would accidentally press the lever, causing a food pellet to drop into the box. After several such runs, the rat quickly learned that upon entering the box, running straight toward the lever and pressing down meant receiving a tasty snack. The rat learned how to use a lever to its benefit in an unpleasant situation too: in another box that administered small electric shocks, pressing the lever caused the unpleasant zapping to stop.

2. Project Pigeon. During World War II, the military invested Skinner’s project to train pigeons to guide missiles through the skies. The psychologist used a device that emitted a clicking noise to train pigeons to peck at a small, moving point underneath a glass screen. Skinner posited that the birds, situated in front of a screen inside of a missile, would see enemy torpedoes as specks on the glass, and rapidly begin pecking at it. Their movements would then be used to steer the missile toward the enemy: Pecks at the center of the screen would direct the rocket to fly straight, while off-center pecks would cause it to tilt and change course. Skinner managed to teach one bird to peck at a spot more than 10,000 times in 45 minutes, but the prospect of pigeon-guided missiles, along with adequate funding, eventually lost luster.

3. The Air-Crib. Skinner tried to mechanize childcare through the use of this “baby box,” which maintained the temperature of a child’s environment. Humorously known as an “heir conditioner,” the crib was completely humidity- and temperate-controlled, a feature Skinner believed would keep his second daughter from getting cold at night and crying. A fan pushed air from the outside through a linen-like surface, adjusting the temperature throughout the night. The air-crib failed commercially, and although his daughter only slept inside at night, many of Skinner’s critics believed it was a cruel and experimental way to raise a child.

How To Play 20 Questions In Game Pigeon Free

4. The teaching box. Skinner believed using his teaching machine to break down material bit by bit, offering rewards along the way for correct responses, could serve almost like a private tutor for students. Material was presented in sequence, and the machine provided hints and suggestions until students verbally explained a response to a problem (Skinner didn’t believe in multiple choice answers). The device wouldn’t allow students to move on in a lesson until they understood the material, and when students got any part of it right, the machine would spit out positive feedback until they reached the solution. The teaching box didn’t stick in a school setting, but many computer-based self-instruction programs today use the same idea.

How To Play 20 Questions

5. The Verbal Summator. An auditory version of the Rorschach inkblot test, this tool allowed participants to project subconscious thoughts through sound. Skinner quickly abandoned this endeavor as personality assessment didn’t interest him, but the technology spawned several other types of auditory perception tests.