Shoot Pigeons Game

This pigeon shooting calendar will help you plan your pest control. Pigeon shooting is popular all year round, although the spring months are often the best for those seeking sport after the end of the game bird season. The most important factor is knowing when to shoot pigeon, and over which crops. This useful pigeon shooting calendar will guide you through the year.

Free Pigeon games. We have the best pigeon games online here on GamesButler! We have 2 games falling under this category to play for free online with new games added regularly. Our favorite titles are Pigeon Projectiles, Bunny Vs Pigeons, and even more! More games are added everyday. View all pigeon games. Rough shooting is considered by some to be the true essence of game hunting and can come in many forms. A Mixed Bag This is where a group of friends walk in a line with dogs working just in front of them. Hunting out the game for a chance of a shot. The bag can consist of pheasant, partridge, duck, woodcock, pigeons, rabbits and hares.



Go pigeon shooting over rape and any frosted root crops such as potatoes, carrots, sugar beet and turnips if you have them.



Rape, again, is a strong draw as the pigeon’s core diet. Maize and other cover crops if chopped or ploughed in. And in hard weather, frosted crops such as cabbages, cauliflower and sprouts work well. Early spring clover can
be a big draw.


Rape will more or less sustain pigeon this month. As the soil warms, watch all spring drillings. Clover should be dragging them in by now for some sustained pigeon shooting.


Late spring drillings and peas can prove fruitful for pigeon shooting. Tree buds, especially ash, can be great this month.


A tricky month in the pigeon shooting calendar, with a lot around to tempt them. Peas and spring-sown rape, which will just be showing. Barring surprises, a sticky month to get under the tap.


Again, this month can be a difficult one in the pigeon shooting calendar, unless they’re belting the peas or seeds. That said, last June produced
some amazing bags over fields of failed rape, an opportunity not to be missed.

Shoot Pigeons Game


Once again, peas, either growing or harvested, but also laid cereal crops, especially barley or wheat at that milky stage.

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Harvest time. Breeding pigeon will be on rape and almost any harvested crop. If hot and dry, remote drinking areas can be good places to find pigeon not busily engaged in attacking the crops.


Similar to August, so don’t overlook any freshly ploughed and harrowed land.


A difficult month in the pigeonshooting calendar owing to the weather. Be vigilant with autumn drill but also with wild foods such as acorns and beech masts.


A lot depends on how much wild food is on offer, how well any autumn drilling crops have grown and the timing of harvests such as beet. If wild food is bountiful they seldom leave it.



Rape, mainly towards the month end, as other offers will exist. The odd stubble field may still drag a few in.